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Tag you're it  

Ok, not really. I mean I tagged1 myself, so it doesn't count.

Nevertheless, I ended up here through some vagarity of my site logs, and the guy was bold enough to put this Q&A in conjunction with his resume. He invited people to copy and use, and so, I did.

Do You have..

... Not really. In high school, my friends called me Saj (from my initials - pronounced "sadge"). Lately, I'm occasionally called Sarita.

... I've had 3 cats and 2 dogs in the past (none simultaneously), but now, no. Oops... almost forgot the little lizard George, but he's not really a pet.

... 2005 MCS PW/B (Mini Cooper S, pepper white with black top and trim)

... No (you don't want to get me started)

... No, but I'm enjoying watching a co-worker's son grow up, and hearing the tales of the son of my best friend.

... Occasional deep loneliness, but I do my best to ignore it.

... There's a line that separates reality from fantasy, but it's an imaginary line.

What is your..

... Some variety of intercultural paganistic gnostic-flavored awe with the mysteries of the universe

... Liberal.

... Hair, eyes, and an infectious risa explosiva2 (yes, that's physical ... think lungs, vocal chords, brain)

... The extra pounds I can't seem to lose.

... Empathy, intelligence, honesty.

... Social insecurity, expecting perfection from myself, self-indulgence.

... Maliciousness.

... Violence.

Right now..

... At home.

... Entertaining myself.

... "Chilanga Banda" by Café Tacvba

... CNN, but I'm not paying attention.

... San Jose, CA in November.

... This one work project that's gonna be a bitch.

... "Blink" by Malcolm Gladwell.

... Water.


... My cosmic soul brother David.

... Honest, intelligent, irreverent people.

... well, "despise" is pretty harsh, but I avoid, or at least am wary of, anyone who is dishonest, manipulative, or just plain mean.

... Absurdity in the form of inexpected, delightful synchronicity tinged with a little of the surreal.

... My dad. Just to see what might have happened if he'd lived.

... The me I see in my head (as opposed to the me I see in the mirror). Just to see if there's actually a difference.

... umm ... is there broadband there yet?

... I don't think I had one.

Who or what was the last..

... "Batman Begins"

... currently reading: "Aztec Autumn" by Gary Jennings; last completed: "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"

... "All Said + Done" by Dios Malos

... My ex (since I'm sure this question was intended as "kissed in some romantic way"). Otherwise, my mom

... Polo Jasso

... Someone at work

... like, in paper? the student newspaper at the university where I work. Online: The Washington Post

... An idiotic management decision at work

... A sudden, olifactory memory of something I may never smell again first hand

... yikes. That would be Marco Antonio Solís and Joan Sebasti´n a year ago. But I'm seeing Santana and Robert Plant at the beginning of October.

... umm ... can't remember

How many..

... define "lover"

... hoo boy, depends on how you count them. Let's just say I've been at it for 34 years (excluding the babysitting)

... Spider bite on my right shin

... none. not even fake ones

... earlobes, twice (each)

... don't drink much. an occasional beer or glass of wine. or, depending on the company, something with tequila

... CDs. a couple hundred. DVDs a couple dozen (I've started late). But I still have some LPs, cassette tapes, and VHS tapes.

... Let's just say, if I had bookshelves in the form of the "normal" ones you might buy, they would be my biggest investment outside of my car and electronic devices

Have you ever..

... define "illegal" =)

... nope

... why bother, if you're not a masochist?

... nope. but I know a vampire =)

... yep. but not often enough nor for a long enough period of time

... yes, but only in my mind (so far)

... yes, amazingly enough

... so many times, I don't think it'd survive another one

... as far as I know, no, although there might have been one that was bruised a little

... no

... no. that implies there is sufficient income and assets to make fiddling worthwhile

... I've thought so, several times. But, in reality, just once.

... Used to be, almost all the time. Now, it's been so long, I'm not sure I remember how

... Nope.

What is the best..

... Toe rings

... My Mini Cooper

... Find out I'll have enough money to retire when I want to

... Sarah, I love you, please stay.

... Three times in the past 32 years friends have thrown me a great birthday party. I still don't fully understand why they did it, but I'm forever grateful.

... The month I spent traveling in August 1978


... Dairy Queen soft-serve ice cream

... The Beatles; most anything recorded in the 1960s and 1970s (pre-disco); prog of various sorts; the Mexican, Argentinian and Brasilian rock David's introduced me to; the regional Mexican I hear on the radio (how's that for eclectic)

... "Annie Hall", "Y Tu Mam´ También", "El Callejón de los Milagros", "The Matrix"

... Charles de Lint, Tanya Huff, "Sarum" by Edward Rutherfurd

... San Francisco

... I almost never watch TV anymore, even if the TV is turned on

... I'm not really a gamer. But I played Zork way back in ancient times, and I enjoy imagining worlds in Sims/Sims 2

... Marshall Field's in Chicago, Fry's in south Arlington

... Bear's Place in Bloomington, Indiana

1 -- Tagging is when a blogger posts some questionaire like this and then names you as someone to blog about it next.

2 -- A "risa explosiva" is a big, sudden, explosive laugh

:: Sarah @ 23:50 [CT] :: permalink :: 0 comments :: links to this post



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